Your Ultimate WordPress bible: tips and tricks to make it click

WordPress is not a new concept to people who are interested in blogging and creating a website etc. It is a great platform to create your website, ads, blogs it offers myriad of templates. It won’t be wrong to quote that WordPress is both, free and priceless. But as easy it appears there are a few tricks and tips that can help your site click , before getting ahead with the optimization tips and tricks

It is important to check the speed of your website which can be done via

  1. Page Speed tool ( on Google, the ideal score should be 85+ out of 100 for site loading and if not try to achieve the same by optimizing it.
  2. Yslow ( Firefox addon for the same.
  3. Another factor affecting the page speed of your website is a number of database queries it makes, you can use the following URLs to check the number of queries your website is making: queries in seconds.
  4. You can also use website speed tester or a stopwatch to check how much time, it take for web page to load


Following are the optimization trick that can help you with optimum usage of WordPress :

  1. Download the most recent WordPress release
  2. Download W3 Total Cache ( , once downloaded, go to general settings and select Toggle all caching types. This will turn on all caching features.
  3. MySQL Optimization, this will save the result of a query on its own cache. To facilitate this configuration add the following lines:

query_cache_type = 1

query_cache_limit = 1M

query_cache_size = 16M

This will create a 16 MB query cache, once MySQL is restarted

  1. Optimize your images so that it loads faster, use and their Firefox plugins
  2. End all unnecessary plugins
  3. Use MyPhp admin to optimize and repair database, use wp optimize ( to do the same
  4. Use a good hosting provider and not a sharing one
  5. Make sure that the page size is less than 200 kb
  6. Combine all the CSS files to reduce the loading time
  7. Combine java scripts into one file
  8. Cache Gravatars
  9. Use the golden rule : CSS on top and Java Scripts at the bottom

I hope the aforementioned tips will help you gain a better insight of beneficially using WordPress.

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