How to increase google page rank in 3 simple steps:

Today I will show to increase google page rank in 3 simple steps:

Get quality backlinks: Backlinks are still one of the most important things to rank your page high on google. But when getting a backlinks you should focus on getting those high quality backlinks. What are high quality backlinks? High quality backlinks are links to your site from some visited and popular websites that have backlinks on different website pointed at them. I mean this may sound complicated but it’s not in reality. Most important thing is to avoid scam backlink building methods like the one on fiver or else sites. Having backlinks on google blacklisted website could ruin your PageRank drastically. Write unique and well researched content: Today there are millions of articles of all kind of topics. Point is that most of them are copy paste articles with small difference between them. Google knows this and would rank website copying articles lower. Always try to research topic that you want to write about as much as possible and try to use some original writing style. Also you can use tools like copyscape to check are there similar articles like your on internet. If there are you should avoid that. Include G+ network in your website Google want to promote their own social network as much as possible. That’s why it would be great if you post each of your article on their social network. It’s familiar that google bots will crawl each article that you post on their network.

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